Early bird gets the sea glass or so I thought. My husband and I headed out at 6:40 am this morning to hike down to our favorite sea glass spot before work. There was a negative tide and we thought by getting there so early we would be the only ones on the beach.
We hike down to our spot, out of breath before our caffeine fix in the morning and look down at the beach…there are already three people down there, heads down digging through the gravel. Uggghhhhhh! People more crazy than us.
Undeterred, we head for the gravel. I’m sure this is to the annoyance of the three hunters already there. We find a small amount of sea glass. Nothing really worthy of the shard of the day, except maybe a piece of Vaseline glass. I’ve found better. But I could tell one woman had already sent her husband down the beach in search of the big pieces as she methodically dug through the gravel in a grid. The other woman was on her own and was digging through her own piles. I did a hit and miss in the gravel and found a few pieces. We didn’t really have a lot of time so we gathered the pieces we found in a ziplock bag and headed back up the hill.
The photo shows our catch for today vs our find the day we found the marble.
I guess the find of the day was really the exercise we got so early in the morning on a beautiful sunny day. I wonder what the tide is like tomorrow? If we get there at 6…..