Friday, May 7, 2010

A bird in the shoe....

A bird in the shoe is worth two in the bush. Hmmm...or maybe it's worth a new pair of tennis shoes.

My husband went to Open Mic last night and I met him there after yoga. I had dinner and watched several performers and my husband play. We stayed for a couple more performances. My husband kept fiddling with his shoe all evening. He said it didn't feel right. He thought maybe he stepped in something but didn't see anything.

Anyways....we got home and he took off his shoes. He was horrified. There was a squished bird in his shoe. We were totally grossed out. The shoe was ruined. I was laughing and trying not to gag all at the same time. The thought that went through my head was thank God it wasn't in my shoe and how the hell do you go all evening and not realize there's a dead bird in your shoe? My husband really wasn't amused with my laughing. (Sorry honey!)

I routinely look in my shoes and shake them out before I put them on. It's my greatest fear that a live (or dead) animal will be hiding in my shoe waiting to clamp onto my big toe. Our cats are the great hunters and there is always a rodent or lizard in our house. Occasionally a bird will be brought in. But you just wouldn't expect a bird in your shoe. A lizard or rodent, yes, good hiding place. The bird must have been placed there by a kitty leaving gifts for daddy. Or maybe it was like the crows on the television commercial with the window cleaner. They wait for someone to run into the clean sliding glass door and laugh at them. Maybe the cat was hiding underneath bed laughing when Boyd slid his unknowing foot into the mayhem hiding in his shoe.

But now I know I am not being paranoid to shake my shoes out every morning. I have been vindicated.

1 comment:

  1. OMG - Randy and I laughed our heads off at this - thanks for sharing!!!
